We wrote Roadside Geology of Georgia
to help spread Earth science understanding in Georgia, and it has been a joy
traveling around the state to walk and talk with those who share our interests.
If your organization would like one of us to provide a program, the following
information will be helpful. You
can reach Dr. Witherspoon at bill@georgiarocks.us and Dr. Gore at pgore@gsu.edu.
We are pleased to accept invitations for talk/walk events. We have done
many of these without charging a fee. We are most likely to do this when:
The host publicizes the
event well, mentioning Roadside
Geology of Georgia, and invites the public.
The host does not
charge the public beyond regular museum or park admission.
There is an opportunity
for book sales following the event.
If the host has a gift
shop that sells nature books, the book is available there.
Some overnight
accommodation is offered for events more than 100 miles from Decatur.
Dr. Witherspoon, who retired in September 2014 after 17 years teaching K-12
students, their students, and the public at DeKalb County SchoolsÕ Fernbank Science Center, is able to accept
occasional invitations to offer workshops and school visits. Pricing, good through
2024, is $250 per half-day or $400 per full day, plus mileage from Decatur.