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Praise for Roadside Geology of Georgia “a
superb new book…which provides fascinating glimpses and details of Georgia’s
road cuts and other geological diversity, from the ever-changing barrier
islands on the coast to the sandstone ridges in the remote northwest corner
of the state.” – Charles Seabrook, Atlanta Journal-Constitution “This is an outstanding addition to [the Roadside
Geology series], and the effort that [you] put into it shows throughout the
book. I have seen many of these books and yours ranks among the very
best of this series.” – Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, University of Tennessee, first recipient of the Geological Society of America Distinguished
Service award, past president of Geological Society of America and
American Geological Institute “For thirty years or more people have
been asking me to recommend a book about the geology of Georgia ... Now I can
direct them to Roadside Geology [of
Georgia]. I am very
impressed. You have done a magnificent job of explaining the geology of the
state both in words and pictures… I look forward to toting Roadside Geology around the state and
taking frequent bites.” - Dr. Timothy E. Chowns, Professor Emeritus of
Geology and Distinguished Scholar, University of
West Georgia “WOW! What a fabulous
job you guys did. The book looks great. I love the glossy print and the color
photos and the very nice color map excerpts of locations. It was worth the
wait. - Martha K. Carr, P.G., Hydrogeologist “…the book was co-authored by two
longtime Georgia geoscience educators… [whose] teaching expertise is well
expressed throughout the book, reaching an audience of interested amateurs,
but while still holding the interest of professional geologists... [the] liberal use of
color throughout the book is probably its most stunning quality... An added
bonus… is how the authors linked the geology of Georgia to human history
– from Native Americans to the American Civil War to the present
– as well as the many earth resources of Georgia. …a fine addition to the Roadside Geology series, and one I
strongly recommend for anyone interested in learning more about fascinating
earth history of this state.” – Dr. Anthony J. Martin, Emory University, author of Life Traces of the Georgia Coast “stands as an important contribution
to the literature on the natural and human history of Georgia, and at its
reasonable price, is highly recommended.” -
Dr. Michael Roden, Professor of Geology, former Head of Department of Geology, University of
Georgia “packed with accurate and up-to-date
information…the timing is excellent in that there have been great advances of
late in the understanding of the geologic history of Georgia. The authors successfully capture that
information and summarize it in understandable terms…In summary, this book is
well researched, well written, very well illustrated, and will be highly
useful to the general public, the mineral collector, geology student, and
professional geologists… I already own two copies: one unmolested copy for
the library and one that I will keep in the car with my field gear.” - Julian C.
Gray, co-author of The Minerals of Georgia “This is an outstanding
reference book covering the geology of Georgia in thorough detail. Wherever
you are in the State, you can learn where to go to see important rock
formations and read about how the rocks fit into the plate tectonics history
of Georgia. The book is loaded with high quality maps and photos and it has a
fairly exhaustive index.” – Dan D. Williams, author of The Rocks of
Georgia |
Pamela J. W. Gore, professor of geology at Perimeter
College of Georgia State University, has taught geology in Georgia for more
than thirty years. She served as president of the Georgia Geological Society
and has been secretary-treasurer of the Southeastern Section of the National
Association of Geoscience Teachers for more than ten years. She received her
PhD in Geology from George Washington University in Washington DC. |
William (Bill) Witherspoon taught K-12 students and their teachers for seventeen years at Fernbank Science Center, part of the DeKalb County (GA) School District. He was named the Georgia Outstanding Earth Science Teacher in 2007 by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. He retired in 2014 and enjoys leading geology walks, talks, and workshops for the public, of which there have been dozens since the book was published. He received his PhD in Geology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. |
We spent more than five
years researching and writing Roadside Geology of Georgia to welcome
the public – teachers, collectors, nature lovers, others – into
the ways geologists read the rocks and landscapes of our state. We overshot a bit,
creating 50% more text and 200% more pictures than the book format would
allow. Our skillful Mountain Press editor dealt with wordiness, but in the
end much solid material representing hundreds of hours of research, writing,
and illustrating had to be left out. As our time allows, that work will be
posted on this web site. Here you will eventually
find links to PDF files for four routes we wrote about that are not in the
book. Although they do not contain as many geologic attractions as other
routes, they will inform those passing through. If you are new to geology,
reading the introductory sections of the book will help you get more out of
them. The four routes (with
links as they are posted) are US 76 in the Blue Ridge,
GA 48 in the Appalachian Plateau and Valley and Ridge of northwest Georgia,
I-85 in the Piedmont southwest of Atlanta, and US 280 in the Coastal Plain
south of Columbus. |
Ordering Roadside Geology of
Georgia You can order copies of
the new second printing, signed by both authors, at this link. To ask that a
book be inscribed to specific person(s) with a "Rock on!"
"Best wishes" or other note, simply record your request in the
"Optional note or special instructions" field in the shopping cart.
Questions? contact bill@georgiarocks.us. |