As the rocking chair photo suggests, this homespun website
is a retirement activity (for Bill). Despite its simplicity, the site is rich with opportunities to help you learn and teach
about Georgia geology. The star attraction is Roadside
Geology of Georgia
by Pamela Gore and Bill Witherspoon, a
full-color, 360-page volume for the public on Georgia's
wonders, from the coast to the mountains: landscapes, rocks, minerals,
fossils, and the human stories geology has shaped. You can now order the book, signed by
both authors and inscribed according to your request, on this web site.
Click here to begin receiving the (monthly to occasional)
walks and talks e-newsletter. If you picked up a billion-year-old rock at an event, read about it at this link.
For currently scheduled events by the authors click here, or visit the Facebook events page.
Events: Register for Geology Walks and Talks Kids Rock! games for learning your local rocks |